Susanne Hahn
Habilitation: Postdoctoral research, 2001-2008, University of Düsseldorf
Thesis: “Rationalität – Eine Kartierung” (“Mapping Rationaliy”)
PhD: University of Duisburg, University of Essen 1998
Thesis: “Überlegungsgleichgewicht(e) – Prüfung einer Rechtfertigungsmetapher” (“Reflective Equilibrium/Equilibria – Examining a Metaphor of Justification”)
Magister Artium in Modern History, Philosophy and German Language and Literature, University of Essen, 1992
Thesis: “Eherecht und Ziviljustiz 1933 -1936” (“Marriage Law and Civil Action 1933-1936”)
Academic Positions
Since October 2020 | Associated Researcher – Department of Philosophy, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. |
Since 2015 | außerplanmäßige Professorin (apl. Prof.) at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf |
March 2019 to September 2019 | Fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) Bochum – Research project: Responsibility in Times of "Artificial Intelligence" |
April 2016 to March 2018 | Acting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf |
January 2015 to January 2016 | Associated Researcher – Department of Philosophy, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. DFG-funded project. Individual grant as leader of the project “Ein Rahmen für die Wirtschaftsethik – Methodische Grundlagen und Regeln” (“A framework for business ethics – Methodological foundation and rules”)" |
August 2013 to September 2014 | Associated Researcher – Department of Legal Studies and Ethics, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management |
Winter term 2012/2013 to summer term 2013 | Acting Professor “Practical Philosophy”, TU Dortmund |
November 2011 to September 2012 | Associated Researcher – Department of Legal Studies and Ethics, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. DFG-funded project. Individual grant as leader of the project “Ein Rahmen für die Wirtschaftsethik – Methodische Grundlagen und Regeln” (“A Framework for Business Ethics – Methodological Foundation and Rules”) |
Summer term 2010 | Teaching Assistant substituting for Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kliemt in the programme “Management, Philosophy, Economics”, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management |
Winter term 2009/2010 | Acting Professor “Practical Philosophy”, RUB (University of Bochum) |
October 1998 to September 2000 | Research Assistant, Research-Project (funded by DFG) "Altersbezogene Rationierung von Gesundheitsleistungen im liberalen Rechtsstaat – Ethische, ökonomische und institutionelle Aspekte", (“Age-Based Rationing in the Liberal State – Ethical, Economic and Institutional Aspects), directed by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kliemt |
April 1995 to April 1996 | Research Assistant ("Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft"), Department of Philosophy, University of Essen |
April 1992 to March 1995 | Research Assistant ("Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft"), Department of Political Science, University of Essen |
January 1988 to March 1992 | Student Assistant ("Studentische Hilfskraft"), Department of Philosophy, University of Essen |
Scholarships and Awards
Scholarship for graduates of the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
University Award for outstanding dissertation – University of Essen
Contribution to printing costs (dissertation) by the DFG (HA3114/1-1)
"Lise-Meitner-Habilitationsstipendium" (scholarship for the purpose of habilitation) by the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
"Deutscher Preis für Philosophie und Sozialethik" (100.000 Euro), awarded by the Max Uwe Redler Stiftung
Research Areas
- Normativity – Characterization of norms and systems of norms, emergence and justification of norms (“Reflective Equilibrium”)
- Rationality – “classical” philosophical concepts of rationality, game-theoretical rationality, “bounded rationality”), rationality and action
- Methods in philosophy – e.g. explication or rational reconstruction and its application
- Business Ethics – Ascription of responsibility, methods of business ethical reasoning
- Digitization and Artificial Intelligence – Extending and Restricting Freedom through Digitization; Generating Knowledge and Dealing with Knowledge in the Age of Fake News; Responsibility in Times of Artificial Intelligence
Publications (Selection)
- Zusammen mit Hartmut Kliemt: Wirtschaft ohne Ethik? Eine ökonomisch-philosophische Analyse, Stuttgart (Reclam) März 2017.
- Rationalität – Eine Kartierung, Münster (mentis), 2. Auflage 2017.
- Überlegungsgleichgewicht(e) – Prüfung einer Rechtfertigungsmetapher, Freiburg (Verlag Karl Alber) 2000.
Edited Volume
- Zusammen mit Rainer Adolphi, Suzana Alpsancar und Matthias Kettner: Philosophische Digitalisierungsforschung - Verantwortung, Verständigung, Vernunft, Macht, Bielefeld (transcript Verlag) September (2024).
- Zusammen mit Oliver Schlaudt: Logic, Morals, Measurement - Origins and Justification of Norms, Themenheft Analyse & Kritik, 38, Heft 2 (2016).
- Verantwortung in Zeiten ‘künstlicher Intelligenz’. Eine Problemexposition am Beispiel medizinischer Diagnostik, in: Rainer Adolphi, Suzana Alpsancar, Susanne Hahn, Matthias Kettner (Hg.), Philosophische Digitalisierungsforschung - Verantwortung, Verständigung, Vernunft, Macht, Bielefeld (transcript Verlag) September (2024), 21-53.
- Algorithmische „Entscheidungen“ in der Medizin? Eine Reflexion zu einem handlungsbezogenen Ausdruck, in: Ruschemeier, Steinrötter (Hg.), Der Einsatz von KI & Robotik in der Medizin. Interdisziplinäre Fragen, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2024, 13-26.
- Homo oeconomicus in Not – Wozu braucht man (ökonomische) Rationalität?, in: Mathias Kettner, Birger Priddat (Hg.), Ökonomische Rationalität zwischen Ideal und Illusion, 10 (2022), 13-30.
- Bullshit in Science? – On Epistemic Norms, Credibility and the Role of Science in Society, in: Jan Michel (Hg.), Making Scientific Discoveries. Interdisciplinary Reflections, Münster 2021, 217-231.
- Regeln und Normen, in: Heidbrink, Lorch, Rauen (Hg.), Praktische Wirtschaftsphilosophie. Handbuch Wirtschaftsphilosophie, Wiesbaden (Springer VS) 2020.
- Philosophie: Konstruieren und Abwägen (Dankesrede), in: Max Uwe Redler Stiftung (Hg.), Deutscher Preis für Philosophie und Sozialethik, Hamburg 2017.
- "From Worked-out Practice to Justified Norms by Producing a Reflective Equilibrium“, in: S. Hahn / O. Schlaudt (eds.); Logic, Morals, Measurement - Origins and Justification of Norms, Themenheft Analyse & Kritik, 38, Heft 2 (2016), 339-369.
- Zusammen mit Oliver Schlaudt: Editorial, in: S. Hahn / O. Schlaudt (eds.); Logic, Morals, Measurement - Origins and Justification of Norms, Themenheft Analyse & Kritik, 38, Heft 2 (2016), 311-316.
- "Norm und Verantwortung", in: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (2014), 429-449.