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Hybrid Workshop: Embodied, Enacted and Represented Time

17-18.07.2023 / Geb. 23.21. Raum 00.73

Anmeldung und Programm: philosophie.hhu.de/eer-time


Timing ability is important for social interaction, decision-making and task management. However, making a good sense of time is not always easy. Some reliable timing mechanisms of organisms have been widely assumed and empirically supported, such as internal clock theory or circadian clock. By contrast, a number of psychological and neuroscientific studies have emphasized that human temporal perception can be modulated by perceptual contexts, physiological processes and psychological or emotional states. Since full understanding of our timing ability requires taking all these factors into account, the interdisciplinary dialogue among philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists will provide a key insight into us as acting agents. Hence, the aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from different disciplines and to foster an empirically informed embodied approach to the philosophy of time.

The workshop is organized by Haeran Jeong and Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau with kind financial support by the German Society for Philosophy of Science (Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie) and the German Society for Analytical Philosophy (Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie).

You can register here.

Kategorie/n: Allgemein, Veranstaltungen, Philosophie, Aus den Instituten
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