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Possible combinations of open modules

The open modules of the single-subject Bachelor's degree program in Philosophy allow you to study content from a variety of other subjects from all faculties at HHU for a total of 36 CP.

  • Open Module 1 (15 CP): Courses from other faculties and profile development, no AP
  • Open Module 2 (9 CP): Courses from other faculties + 1 AP
  • Open Module 3 (12 CP): Courses from other faculties + 1 AP

Courses of the Faculty of Law, in particular:

Basic courses, 3 ECTS each:
- Methodology
- Criminology
- Psychology for lawyers
- Law and sustainability
- Philosophy of law
- Legal theory
Accompanying study programme AI, 4 ECTS each:
- Course series ‘Legal issues of artificial intelligence’, 3 SWS


Law for non-lawyers (Studium universale), 2 ECTS each:
- I Fundamentals
- II Commercial law
- III Family and inheritance law
Legal and Economic Studies, 4 ECTS each:
- Introduction to Economics
- Institutions of the European Union
- Introduction to Public International Law
- National Perspectives on European Union Law
- The Law and Legal system of Germany: Private Law
- EU Internal Market Law
- The Law and Legal system of Germany: Public Law
- US Constitutional Law

Courses offered by the Faculty of Medicine:

Selected electives from the Medicine degree programme, with 2 ECTS credits being awarded for each elective attended and a further 1 ECTS credit for each examination taken. The selection of electives is agreed each semester.

Modules of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offered in the BA Natural Sciences programme, in particular 

from the interdisciplinary natural sciences
- General Botany and Zoology for Natural Sciences, 3 ECTS
- Lecture Zoology, 5 ECTS credits
- Lecture in Cell and Molecular Biology, 4 ECTS credits
- Lecture Animal Physiology, 4 ECTS credits
- Lecture Plant Physiology, 4 ECTS credits
- Lecture Genetics, 3 ECTS credits
- Lecture Ecology & Evolution, 4 ECTS credits
- Microbiology, 5 ECTS credits

from chemistry
- Introduction to general and inorganic chemistry, 8 ECTS credits
- Principles of Organic Chemistry, 8 ECTS credits
- Lecture Structure, Bonding, Reactivity and Lecture Chemistry of Elements
Elements, 8 ECTS credits
- Introduction to Physical Chemistry, 4 ECTS credits

from Computer Science, whereby the successful completion of the module ‘Algorithms and Data Structures’ is a prerequisite for participation in the module ’C-Programming for Algorithms and Data Structures’ 
- Databases: An introduction, 5 ECTS credits
- Programming, 10 ECTS credits
- Fundamentals of Computer Networks, 5 ECTS credits
- Theoretical Computer Science, 10 ECTS credits
- Algorithms and Data Structures, 10 ECTS credits
- C Programming for Algorithms and Data Structures, 5 ECTS credits

from mathematics, whereby modules that build on each other have
to be completed one after the other
- Linear Algebra I, 9 ECTS credits
- Analysis I, 9 ECTS credits
- Linear Algebra II, 9 ECTS credits
- Analysis II, 9 ECTS credits
- Numerics I, 9 ECTS credits
- Function Theory, 9 ECTS credits
- Stochastics, 9 ECTS credits
from physics
- Mathematical Methods in the Natural Sciences, 7 ECTS credits
- Physics for Natural Sciences, 8 ECTS credits
- Electricity and Magnetism, 6 ECTS credits
- Theoretical Electrodynamics, 8 ECTS credits
- Theoretical Mechanics, 8 ECTS credits
- Quantum mechanics, 8 ECTS credits
- Statistical mechanics, 8 ECTS credits
- Experimental Atomic Physics, 6 ECTS credits

Bachelor modules of the subject Psychology:
- Module A ‘Fundamentals of Medicine, Pharmacology and Cognitive-Affective
Neurosciences’, 8 ECTS
- Module B1 ‘Quantitative Methods I’, 4 ECTS
- Module E1 ‘Fundamentals of Diagnostics’, 4 ECTS, prerequisite is the
successful completion of Module B1
- Module I1 ‘Biopsychology I’, 4 ECTS
- Module I2 ‘Biopsychology II’, 4 ECTS
- Module J1 ‘Developmental Psychology I’, 4 ECTS, prerequisite is the
successful completion of module B1
- Module K1 ‘Introduction to Differential and Personality Psychology I’, 4 ECTS
gy I’, 4 ECTS
- Module K2 ‘Introduction to Differential and Personality Psychology II’, 4 ECTS
Psychology II’, 4 ECTS, prerequisite is the successful completion of
Module K1
- Module L1 ‘Social Psychology I’, 4 ECTS, prerequisite is the
successful completion of module B1
- Module N1 ‘Clinical Psychology I’, 4 ECTS, prerequisite is the
successful completion of module B1
- Module O1 ‘Neuroscientific Psychology I’, 4 ECTS, prerequisite is the successful completion of module B1

Modules of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics:
- BV00: Introduction to Economics/Mathematics I, 6 ECTS-
- BV09: Fundamentals of Economics I, 6 ECTS credits
- BV05: Fundamentals of Economics II (Macroeconomics), 6
ECTS credits
- BV10: Fundamentals of Economics III, 9 ECTS credits
The modules BV00, BV09 and BV05 should be combined with each other.
The subsequent module BV10 is optional. Alternatively, other
elective modules can be taken after consultation with the lecturers.

Furthermore, all courses from the professional development at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are available here. This also includes classes from all other subjects offered at that Faculty.

However, please note that this option (unlike the other options above) is available only in Open Module 1, not in Open Modules 2 and 3.