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Simon Wimmer

I'm an assistant professor at Julia Zakkou's chair in epistemology and philosophy of language.

My research focuses on the relation between knowledge and belief and whether either of them enjoys "priority" over the other. I also work on the semantics of knowledge and belief talk as well as the early 20th century philosophical movement commonly known as Oxford Realism.

I completed my PhD at the University of Warwick in January 2020. After that, I was an assistant professor at TU Dortmund from April 2020 to March 2024. Thanks to funding from the Rudolf Chaudoire foundation, I spent February and March 2024 at Oxford and Cornell to research the history of Oxford Realism.

I'm originally from Austria, but lived in the UK for most of my adult life.


Cook Wilson on judgementBritish Journal for the History of Philosophy, 32(1): 126-49 (2024).

Contrafactives and learnability: an experiment with propositional constants with David Strohmaier, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics: 67-82 (2023).

Review of David Hunter, On BelievingPhilosophical Quarterly, 73(3): 926-8 (2023).

Ways to knowledge-first believeErkenntnis, 88: 1189-1205 (2023).

Contrafactives and learnability with David Strohmaier, Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium: 298-305(2022).

Cook Wilson on knowledge and forms of thinking with Guy Longworth, Synthese 200, 276. (2022). Special issue Knowledge first epistemology.

Cook Wilson on the indefinability of knowledge with Guy Longworth, European Journal of Philosophy 30(4): 1547–1564 (2022).

Reductive views of knowledge and the small difference principleCanadian Journal of Philosophy, 52(8): 777-788 (2022).

Belief does not entail a reasoning dispositionSynthese 199(5): 14975-91 (2021).

Knowledge-first believing the unknowableSynthese 198(4): 3855–71 (2021).

Review of Michael Ayers, Knowing and SeeingZeitschrift für philosophische Literatur 9(1): 22–32 (2021).

Forall x: Dortmund. Eine Einführung in die formale Logik with P.D. Magnus, Tim Button, J. Robert Loftis, Robert Trueman, Aaron Thomas-Bolduc, and Richard Zach (2021).
PDF of book - PDF of solutions booklet

What is it to be aware of your awareness of red? A review essay of Michelle Montague's The Given with Giulia Martina, Philosophical Psychology 30(7): 992–1012 (2017).

Review of Clayton BohnetLogic and the limits of philosophy in Kant and Hegel with Tristan Kreetz, Kant Studies Online (2016).

Review of The Non-Philosophy Project: Essays by François Laruelle with Tristan Kreetz, Dialectic, the journal of the University of York Philosophy Society (2013).