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Philosophie der Evolution & Natur / Philosophy of Evolution & Nature

Numbers refer to complete list of papers in ascending date (below)

Notes: Peer-reviewed journals bold              [Square brackets: multiple authorship]             (Download takes some seconds)    

69.  "Ein quantenmechanisches Argument für die Existenz konkreter Univer­sa­lien", in:  J.L.Brandl et al (Hg.), Metaphysik. Neue Zugänge zu alten Fragen, Aca­demia, Sankt Au­gustin 1995, S. 97-120. Download

99. "Natürliche und kulturelle Evolution: Skizze einer verallgemeinerten Evolutionstheorie", in: W. Wickler und L. Salwiczek (Hg.), Wie wir die Welt erkennen (Grenzfragen Bd. 27), Karl Alber Verlag, Freiburg 2001, S. 329 – 376. Download

102. "Kinds of Rationality and their Role in Evolution", in: B. B. Brogaard and B. Smith (eds.), Rationality and Irrationality (Proceedings of the 23rd Wittgenstein Symposium), öbv & hpt, Vienna 2001, S. 301-310. Download

104. "What Is 'Normal'? An Evolution-Theoretic Foundation of Normic Laws and Their Relation to Statistical Normality", Philosophy of Science 28, 2001, 476-97. Online Download

120. "Laws of Nature versus System Laws", in: Faye, J et al. (ed.): Nature's Principles, Springer, Berlin 2005, 255-268. Online

140. "Kulturelle Evolution", in: H.A. Müller, (Hg.), Evolution: Woher und Wohin?, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2008, 130-148. Download

160. "Das Janusgesicht der Religion. Zur Evolution von Religionen und den evolutionären Chacen eines aufgeklärten Humanismus", in W. Fink (Hg.), Der neue Humanismus,  Alibri-Verlag, Aschaffenburg. 2010, 89-124. Download

174. "Prototypes and their Composition from an Evolutionary Point of View", in: Hinzen, W., Machery, E., and Werning, M. (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2012,  530-553. Online Download

190.       "Evolutionary Explanations and the Role of Mechanisms", in: Kaiser, M., Scholz, O., Plenge, D., und Hüttemann, A. (eds.), Explanation in the Special Sciences - The Case of Biology and History, Srpinger (Synthese Library), Heidelberg, 2014, 155-170. Online Download

236.       "The Hierarchy-of-Hypotheses Approach in a Philosophy of Science Perspective", Bioscience XX, 2021, 71: 350–356. Online Download

244        "Evolution in Nature und Culture: Prospects and Problems of Generalized Evolution Theory", American Philosophical Quarterly 58(1), 2021, 95-110. Online Download

255.       "Evolution of Rationality", in: M. Knauff, W. Spohn (Eds.), The Handbook of Rationality, MIT Press, Cambridge/MA 2021, 101-113. Online  Download

270.       "Metaphysics of Evolution: Ontology and Justification of Generalized Evolution Theory", in: A. du Crest,, M. Valkovic, H. Desmond, P. Huneman, and T. Reydon (eds.), Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines. Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism, Springer (Synthese Library 487), Cham 2023, 207-225.   Download