Celebratory Colloquium in Honor of Gerhard Schurz (December 1st-3rd, 2016)
Celebratory Colloquium in Honor of Gerhard Schurz
Date: December 1 - 3, 2016
Place: Schloss Mickeln, Blue Parlor, Alt Himmelgeist 25, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany
Travel information (pdf)
Organizers: Markus Werning, Peter Brössel, Alexander Gebharter
Speakers of the colloquium include: Peter Brössel (Bochum), Igor Douven (Paris), Christian Eichhorn (Dortmund), Norbert Gratzl (Munich), Andreas Hüttemann (Cologne), Garbriele Kern-Isberner (Dortmund), Theo Kuipers (Groningen), Hannes Leitgeb (Munich), Ilkka Niiniluoto (Helsinki), Nina Poth (Bochum), Markus Schrenk (Düsseldorf), Corina Strößner (Düsseldorf), Paul Thorn (Düsseldorf), Ioannis Votsis (London), Paul Weingartner (Salzburg), and Markus Werning (Bochum).
Poster (pdf)
Abstracts (pdf)
Attendance is free and open to all, but registration is required. If you plan to attend, please contact us at alexander.gebharter(at)phil.hhu.de
Thursday, December 1
09.30–10.00 10.00–11.15 11:15–12.30 12.30–14.00 14.00–15.15
15.15–16.30 16.30–17.00 17.00–18.15 | Coffee & Welcome P. Weingartner (Salzburg): A kind of laudatio and a new type of knowledge P. Brössel & N. Poth (Bochum): On How to Learn Words and Acquire Concepts Lunch Break P. Thorn (Düsseldorf): The Stimulus-Perception Connection: An Investigation in the Epistemology of Perception N. Gratzl (Munich): A Defense of Classical Logic Coffee H. Leitgeb (Munich): New Foundations for Hyperintensional Logic and Semantics |
Friday, December 2
09.30–10.00 10.00–11.15 11.15–12.30
12.30–14.00 14.00–15.15 15.15–16.30 16.30–17.00 17.00–18.15 19.00– | Coffee M. Schrenk (Düsseldorf): A History of Production and Modality G. Kern-Isberner & C. Eichhorn (Dortmund): Conditionals – all-rounders for quan- titative and qualitative logical frameworks Lunch Break I. Douven (Paris): Scoring in context A. Hüttemann (Cologne): Why Physics isn’t Fundamental Coffee I. Niiniluoto (Helsinki): Truthlikeness: Old and New Debates Evening Dinner |
Saturday, December 3
09.30–10.00 10.00–11.15
11.15–12.30 12.30–14.00 14.00–15.15 15.15–16.30
16.30–16.45 | Coffee M. Werning (Bochum): Compositionality in a World Without Synonyms – Existence and Uniqueness of a Similarity-based Semantics C. Strößner (Düsseldorf): What can we infer from typicality? Lunch Break I. Votsis (London): Testing for Theory-Ladenness: The Stimulus Exchange Procedure T. Kuipers (Groningen): Nomic truth approximation by ‘theories looking for domains’, revisited Coffee & Closing |
Each talk is briefly commented by Gerhard Schurz, followed by a general discussion.