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DCLPS Fellowship: Clark Glymour (June 13 to 22, 2013)

Clark Glymour Fellowship at the DCLPS

Clark Glymour is a key figure in philosophy of science since decades. In particular, his philosophical contributions to causation and (probabilistic) modeling of scientific inquiry shaped the discussion in the respective fields. 

Date: June 13 - June 19, 2013

Place: see below

Organizer/s: Matthias Unterhuber, Alexander Gebharter, and Gerhard Schurz


Thursday, June 13, 18:30 - 20:00
Location: building 23.21. floor 0. room HS 3F
Keynote Lecture: "Brain Troubles" Poster (.pdf)

Thursday, June 13, 18:30 – 20:00;

Friday, June 14, 09:00-17:30 &

Saturday, June 15, 09:00-12:30
Location: building 16.11. floor 1. room Sitzungssaal 1
Symposium: "The Philosophy of Clark Glymour"

Wednesday, June 19, 18:15 - 19:45
Location: 23.21. floor 0. room HS 3E
Evening Lecture: "Are Best Explanations Possible?" Poster (.pdf)

Thursday, June 20, 14:00 - 16:30 &
Friday, June 21, 14:00-16:30
Location: building 23.21. floor 0. room 44B
Tutorial on "Theory of Causal Nets" Poster (.pdf)