Video recordings of the workshop Conceptual Spaces (June 17-18, 2024)
Peter Gärdenfors: Event structure, force dynamics and verb semantics (June 17, 2024)
Eline Kuipers & Peter Brössel: From intentions to motor representations trough conceptual spaces (June 17, 2024)
Leyla R. Caglar: Metricity, shape, and structure of neural conceptual spaces (June 17, 2024)
Sebastian Scholz & Gottfried Vosgerau: Conceptual spaces: naturalness or cognitive sparseness? (June 17, 2024)
Corina Strößner: Similarity first? (June 17, 2024)
Matias Osta-Vélez & Gerhard Schurz: The complexity of Boolean concepts from a geometrical perspective (June 18, 2024)
Maria Sekatskaya & Corina Strößner: Modeling free will: A conceptual spaces approach (June 18, 2024)
Paula Quinon: The variety of computation in the framework of Carnapian explication and in conceptual spaces (June 18, 2024)
Igor Douven: Social learning in neural agent-based models (June 18, 2024)
Jean-Louis Dessalles & Giovanni Sileno: The negation of concepts (June 18, 2024)