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“Explanatory Norms and Interdisciplinary Collaboration” (Forthcoming) Synthese

“Citation Metrics. A Philosophy of Science Perspective.” (Forthcoming). Episteme. Preprint available on the PhilSci Archive here.

“Models and Measurements of Income Inequality” (2024) in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Scientific Modeling, ed. by Tarja Knuuttila, Natalia Carrillo, and Rami Koskinen. (with Alessandra Basso)

Norms and the City  (2024) Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning (With Matteo Colombo)

“The Soul of Economics” for The Journal of Economic Methodology (2023) (With Catherine Herfeld and Carlo Martini)

Norms2: Norms about Norms (2022) Erkenntnis 

Multiple models, one explanation (2021)  Journal of Economic Methodology, 1-21. (with Johannes Korbmacher).  The article is open access and available here.

“Why is behavioral game theory economists’ game? The concept of beliefs in equilibrium”. In Egashira, Taishido, Hands and Mäki (eds.) (2021) A Genealogy of Self-interest in Economics (Springer). The article is available here.

“Measuring Norms Using Social Survey Data” (2020) Economics and Philosophy. 1-34 (with Juliette de Wit). The article is open access and available here.

“Reflections on the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize Awarded to Banerjee, Duflo, and Kremer” (2020) Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics. The article is open access and available here.

“Knowledge Transfer and its Contexts” (2019) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A. (With Catherine Herfeld). The article is available here.

“The Role of Psychology in Behavioral Economics: the Case of Social Preferences” (2018) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A. The article can be found here.

“Hypothetical Models in Social Science” (2017) with Alessandra Basso and Caterina Marchionni. Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science, edited by Lorenzo Magnani and Tommaso Bertolotti. The article is available here.

“Robustness Analysis and Tractability in Modeling” (2016) European Journal for Philosophy of Science. The article is open access and can be found here.

“On The Emergence Of Descriptive Norms” (2014) with Ryan Muldoon, Cristina Bicchieri, Stephan Hartmann and Jan Sprenger. Politics, Philosophy and Economics. 13(1): 3-22. The article can be found here.

Why are descriptive norms there?” (2014) with Ryan Muldoon and Stephan Hartmann. Synthese. 191: 4409-4029. The article can be found here. [Preprint here]

“Disagreement Behind the Veil of Ignorance” (2014) with Mark Colyvan, Carlo Martini, Ryan Muldoon, Giacomo Sillari and Jan Sprenger. Philosophical Studies. 170: 377-394. The article can be found here.

Conformorality. A Study on Group Conditioning of Normative Judgment” (2013) with Marie Nilsenova and Matteo Colombo. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology. 4: 751-764. The article can be found here. [Preprint here]

Formal Epistemology Meets Experimental Philosophy” (2013) Synthese. Ed. with S. Hartmann and E. Machery. With contributions by M. Colyvan. G. Devetag, H. Hosni and G. Sillari. J. Overton. M. Unterhuber and G. Schurz. A. Vallinder and Erik Olsson. Carl Wagner. The article can be found here.

“Robustness Analysis versus Reliable Process Reasoning” (2014) Review of Robert Hudson’s ‘Seeing Things. The Philosophy of Reliable Observations’. Metascience. The article can be found here.

Non-peer Reviewed Articles

Philosophers: should you pay to publish your paper? (2024) DailyNous. (with Sophia Crüwell and David Teira). Read here

The prospects of for-profit Open Access in philosophy of science journals | A report (2023) (with Sofia Crüwell & David Teira). Read here

Report of the European Philosophy of Science Association Conference, the Reasoner (2017) 11(10)

Report of the Workshop: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Behavioral Economics, the Reasoner (2017) 07(10).

Report of the Workshop on Robustness Analysis that I organized at the University of Helsinki

Blog entry for the PPE Blog, University of Groningen, March 2017

In September 2016, I was interviewed by the 3AM Magazine (2016). The interview can be found here.

Work In Progress

“Beliefs & Beliefs: A Formal and Conceptual Divide Between Economics and Psychology” (with Michiru Nagatsu)

“Challenges to Interdisciplinary Practice in Behavioral Economics”

“A Dynamic Model of Pluralistic Ignorance” with Stephan Hartmann and Ryan Muldoon

Research Project: “Norms in Motion: on the Dynamics of Social Norm Change”